House of Thieves


Guangxi Normal University Press
June 2023 | Hardback


House of Thieves is available from Guangxi Normal University Press. The specially bound edition of the book of Mark’s one hundred poems, House of Thieves, translated in Chinese as part of the prestigious Tibetan Golden Antelope Prize awarded to Mark in June 2023. Here are one hundred of Mark’s shorter poems, selected from his five collections of poetry published in English to date, along with a few poems from other books and from his most recent work.

“It is hard to choose, and it took me longer than it should. These are all my children, and it seems unfair to leave any out. Most of my poems, in fact, run longer than these ones, and it feels strange to have none of that work represented here for a Chinese audience. It’s my hope that you seek that other work out and that this selection is followed by others where the longer work can be encountered. To the poems, I’ve added some few pieces of my prose, mostly on prosody and lyricism and poetry— that nature of poetry, the craft of its making, the practice of poetry as a way of performing a useful kind of presence, a calling of all of us to account, in the world.”